hello there.
Welcome to my newest home on the internet, thank you so much for visiting and (as you’re now reading this) poking about!
I’ve spent the last seven years (seven!!!) promising a website to various people at various times and successfully not delivering it for the same duration. In case you’re interested, it’s taken me this long to get here because I am an obsessive over thinker, have a highly developed and extremely acid-tongued inner critic and tend towards perfectionism all. the. bloody. time! Honestly, I’m a bit sick of myself. So I’m attempting the opposite of my usual modus operandi and just throwing myself to the internet wolves my subconscious is so certain are waiting to tear me to pieces. Yay!
Please enjoy your stay, and do come back or drop your email into my mailing list below. I have big plans and I’ll be adding things as I go. It is likely to be fun to watch me work out what the hell I’m doing (dare I say that out loud?! (I just did)). I’d love to hear from you in the comments if you have any questions about anything fractured flora.